Easily Stay Connected Daily To Your Experience of God

Live Your Life In FLOW Being Guided By The Holy Spirit Living Moment To Moment, So You Naturally Fulfill Your God-Given Purpose in Life

Gain the divine skills needed to live a joyous, guided, life for yourself and those you love

What keeps you away from being with God everyday?

The Answer: Fear and Stress.

Everyday we are bombarded with stressful situations. It can put us into a state where we are in constant survival mode and we don’t know what to do.

Tell me, does this sound familiar to you?

You woke up at 3 a.m. – again.

Stress is consuming you, and an avalanche of thoughts rushes into your mind…

• The expensive car repairs.

• The discussion about putting mom in an elderly home.

• That lab test your doctor is having you go through after an “abnormal” blood test.

• The job you tell everyone it’s “fine” but you secretly hate.

• Deep down knowing you're never going to get to retire.

• Your kid thats out in the world, hasn't called you in months and you know they're not ok.

At this point, you look at the time again – 4:23. You resign yourself to yet another sleepless night, and crave for something to change…

You feel trapped, doing things in your life the same way over and over… like a hamster wheel you don’t know how to stop.

It feels very difficult to find solutions to the problems and issues you’re facing – let alone have the time to actually have a spiritual life. A space where you're connecting daily with God, let alone making any changes in your life.

And in the meantime, you wonder if this is all there is. The feeling that you’re life is passing you by, fills you up with anxiety and hopelessness…

Then in the morning, when you wake up, your mind gets consumed with the “should, have to's, need to’s, and must” that weigh you down, like a burden. It’s a frustrating feeling that you live your life for everyone else but yourself. You are not alone.

The question is, how to stop this and off the treadmill of life and get somewhere?

The REAL Truth Is That You Have Help

You're supposed to have challenges in life being solved easily on your behalf, by accessing the Holy Spirit and getting guidance from God daily.

You’ve been taught to do it all by yourself. That you are alone and have to figure everything out with the limited resources you have; time, money, energy, resources, and answers to difficult situations.

There is a much easier way to solve your problems. An easier way make things better.

But the big problem is the habit of doing it all by yourself. You see your mind is not the unbiased ‘machine’ you’ve been told it is – it puts every problem, situation or social interaction through the lens of your mental programming… which much of it is fear based. That fear causes you to not turn to the spiritual resources of the Holy Spirit.

The most challenging part of having a personal connection to God is remembering that He is already present and there for you always.

This Masterclass is for you if:

  • You have a desire to feel connected more deeply with God and his path for you.
  • You feel empowered and at peace by a spiritual practice, one that works, you can feel it, something effective, and real.
  • You’re ready to have a belief in something specific that you can have faith in and trust.
  • You are ready to have the wounds from past trauma from your upbringing to be healed so you can live as the present adult you are.
  • To know no matter what is happening in the world you know you are being guided and have a source of comfort and peace.
  • You are ready to have God clean up your life and share His will for you week after week so it’s easy even when life is too busy.

The REAL Truth Is That You Have Help

You're supposed to have challenges in life being solved easily on your behalf, by accessing the Holy Spirit and getting guidance from God daily.

You’ve been taught to do it all by yourself. That you are alone and have to figure everything out with the limited resources you have; time, money, energy, resources, and answers to difficult situations.

There is a much easier way to solve your problems. An easier way make things better.

But the big problem is the habit of doing it all by yourself. You see your mind is not the unbiased ‘machine’ you’ve been told it is – it puts every problem, situation or social interaction through the lens of your mental programming… which much of it is fear based. That fear causes you to not turn to the spiritual resources of the Holy Spirit.

The most challenging part of having a personal connection to God is remembering that He is already present and there for you always.

This Masterclass is for you if:

  • You have a desire to feel connected more deeply with God and his path for you.
  • You feel empowered and at peace by a spiritual practice, one that works, you can feel it, something effective, and real.
  • You’re ready to have a belief in something specific that you can have faith in and trust.
  • You are ready to have the wounds from past trauma from your upbringing to be healed so you can live as the present adult you are.
  • To know no matter what is happening in the world you know you are being guided and have a source of comfort and peace.
  • You are ready to have God clean up your life and share His will for you week after week so it’s easy even when life is too busy.

That's Why I Created The Inner Compass Masterclass

So that you can get the support you need to permanently shift into being a person

who relies on Divine Guidance for all your needs.

Using the guidance of the Holy Spirit helps you day by day to stay aligned with God and his will for you.

But you have to know how to listen to it and REMEMBER that it is there.

It is important to have a support system and a community with beautiful practices you are encouraged to do each week to strengthen you ability to stay connected and to lead a life of grace.

You just wait for God to move you, and ‘everyday miracles’ become YOUR normal experience.

The best part is that this shift can happen in a very short period of time.

It's magical. It's amazing. You have the power to unleash more abundance, happiness, and success than you thought possible...

And today I want to share with you how you can do it.

Introducing The:

Inner Compass Masterclass:

Leave fear behind. Experience the life you have always felt was in you.

This program will give you the ability to be free from fear and suffering in your life. By learning to use your Internal Guidance System (IGS) you will be able to clear out all the thinking that limits you, so you can effortlessly create your dream life.

Working with your IGS is an incredibly fast and powerful way to create change, and unlock the best outcome in everything that you do.

These techniques are simple, practical and straightforward – very easy to apply in your busy day-to-day life…

And can make a difference in your well-being in as little as a single week.

Meet Your Teacher, Zen Cryar DeBrücke

Zen Cryar DeBrücke is the founder of Smart Soul Academy. She has worked with over 40,000 people, helping them align with their purpose and unlock lives of greater fulfillment and joy by showing them how to listen to their “inner compass.”

Her compassion radiates through her work, and her style is down-to-earth, practical, humorous and wise. Zen’s international best-selling book, “Your Inner GPS” is an easy-to-read how-to on the way to let this inner wisdom guide you to success. The Smart Soul Academy provides deeper teachings on mastering this art.

Zen is the founder of Smart Soul Academy, best-selling author, a breast cancer survivor, happy wife, and busy mom.

As this year was starting, I thought about what I especially wanted for this year, and it was to feel more consciously connected to God. Not 2 weeks later I got an email from Zen talking about her Inner Compass Masterclass which seemed like an absolutely perfect fit. If you want to learn how to receive communication from God, to literally feel his answers in your body, and to be led literally step by step in your life, by God (!), this is the place to be.

It’s mind boggling, truly. For one who was agnostic earlier in my life and who has grown in spirituality through the years, to reach this point where I can feel a literal communication with God, this is truly huge for me. I have felt that my life seemed to flow quite well most of the time, but didn’t have that conscious communication that I wanted, but now I do have it. And I’m continuing to learn how to understand it in a clearer way. Yes indeed, this class was a perfect fit.

Alice Dobbs

Farmer, Entrepreneur

Tune Into “Divine Guidance / The Holy Spirit”

In Just The First Week

This program consists of seven modules of prerecorded video lessons that will take you by the hand to help you break free from fear and tune into FLOW – so you can effortlessly create the life of your dreams.

Once you join the program, you’re free to go through it at your own pace – you get to choose what works best for you and your schedule.

You’ll start with the basics of your IGS (it doesn’t matter if you’ve never heard about it before) and each lesson builds on top of the previous one, creating a powerful compounding effect that transforms your life within a few short weeks.

This is what you’ll learn inside:


Connect: To God Within You

Discover the missing piece of our understanding of spiritual connection… the “inner compass” you were born with. Start relating to this part of yourself – so you can tune into Divine guidance and find out what to do, and when to do things. Realize that you’re not alone and that you actually do have a way to get the answers you need.


Ownership: Discover Your God Given Identity

Understand what the sensations in the center of your body are telling you. Use them as a compass to shift your mindset and your body into feeling centered, calm, and knowing. Learn the quick way to master your IGS and generate confidence, happiness, and success.


Notice: What's In The Way of Receiving Guidance

Discover how to release other people’s stories running your life. Use your openings and your closings to find out what is True in your life, and what is old, fear-based programming you were taught from ages 0-7. Feel empowered and confident to follow your truth.


Navigate: How To Follow Gods Plan For Your Life

Shift the habitual thinking patterns causing you stress into empowered thinking that serves you daily and keeps you present. Clear out what is causing you suffering and transform your thinking into a powerful asset to create the reality God intended in your life.


Experience: How To Live Your Life In FLOW

Learn the simple way you can connect directly with Divine wisdom by tapping into the internal state of FLOW – an action state that is created by the present moment. By using the IGS to find openings and waiting for God to move you, miracles become the normal experience.


Courage: How To Have Faith & Trust God

Develop the ability to trust yourself, the Divine Guidance, and God’s beautiful plan for your life. You will know how to manage doubt when you are following the guidance you are receiving as it brings you into living your daily life within the greatness in the world.


Transform: How To Use FLOW To Transform The World

Discover how you fit into the Divine Plan and what your purpose in life is. Feel empowered to make a real difference in the world and use FLOW to be guided to the exact situation and places where you need to be, moment to moment.


Community Mastermind Sessions

Share your insights and gain insights from others in these small group mastermind sessions. This allows you to connect with others in the training and discuss your transformation. These sessions are always a community favorite, you will not want to miss it.

App Access

Access To Training In The App


Exclusive Community

Join our exclusive community specific to the Inner Compass Masterclass where you can connect, share, and build lifelong friendships with othe like-minded brilliant people.

Discover What A Life of FLOW Feels Like

When you harness the life-changing potential of your IGS, you will…

  • Be fully in control of your mind – you’ll break free from the grip of fear, worry and anxiety and become the “master of your mind”.
  • Trust yourself to choose what’s best for you – making the right decisions will become easy and natural
  • Feel confident, safe and secure. Keep your mind from hijacking YOU – and never let “what ifs” steal your inner peace again
  • Find the right path in life, quickly. Stop second-guessing, “analysis paralysis” and doubt with a simple tool
  • Bring harmony and intimacy into your relationships. Heal the bonds between you and those you love by staying present and stopping knee-jerk reactions to triggers before they happen
  • Create lasting change and release old patterns that are no longer serving you, for good
  • Tap into a state of FLOW at will, opening the floodgates of synchronicities, blessings and miracles into your life
  • Embody your purpose and find your place in the world. You will deeply know that you matter, you are significant and that you belong in a real and unshakeable way

Discover What A Life of FLOW Feels Like

When you harness the life-changing potential of your IGS, you will…

  • Be fully in control of your mind – you’ll break free from the grip of fear, worry and anxiety and become the “master of your mind”.
  • Trust yourself to choose what’s best for you – making the right decisions will become easy and natural
  • Feel confident, safe and secure. Keep your mind from hijacking YOU – and never let “what ifs” steal your inner peace again
  • Find the right path in life, quickly. Stop second-guessing, “analysis paralysis” and doubt with a simple tool
  • Bring harmony and intimacy into your relationships. Heal the bonds between you and those you love by staying present and stopping knee-jerk reactions to triggers before they happen
  • Create lasting change and release old patterns that are no longer serving you, for good
  • Tap into a state of FLOW at will, opening the floodgates of synchronicities, blessings and miracles into your life
  • Embody your purpose and find your place in the world. You will deeply know that you matter, you are significant and that you belong in a real and unshakeable way

When I first heard Zen was teaching how to have a deeper connection to God, I was intrigued. For my entire life I have been on a spiritual journey to do just that.

I met Zen about 15 years ago so I knew she was honest and her mission in life was to always bring truth to others. I knew I could trust her so I jumped into her new program. What I learned completely changed the way I think about so many common everyday things we go through that hold us back from actually connecting in the way we were created to.

My connection with God and his guidance in my life are now more tangible and real then I would have thought possible. I would definitely recommend this program for anyone
who is truly seeking for divine guidance and connection in their life.

Will Hibpshman

Business Development Consultant

I experienced dropping into my listening and then being filled with Light and being at one, with God, with God in me and me in God.

The online meetings were validating. I found out that I’m not the only one having this experience. The breakout rooms and the sharing and helping each other was very helpful. There’s also a certain sense that it’s a process and absorbing the experience itself takes its own time. Sometimes it was hard to just keep forging ahead.

Here’s a miracle with God that happened yesterday. I was in route to my treatment sitting in an Uber. It was a beautiful morning, sunny, bright, with blue skies and green trees. I used the time to drop into my listening and connect with God. And God gave me a message: “Your job today is to Receive. Not to give, not to send but to Receive – receive my love and the love your friends are sending to you. Allow yourself to receive.” It was HUGE.

Dana Ben-Yeduda

Alexander Technique Teacher

Expand Your Success With 4 IGS Bonus Micro-Trainings

Expand Your Success With 4 IGS

Bonus Micro-Trainings

I’ve seen firsthand how people’s lives change once they’ve learned how to decode the messages of their IGS…

So I’m including 4 Bonus Micro-Trainings curated to speed up your journey to a life of FLOW, help you avoid common mistakes, and allow you to welcome in more blessings than ever…

Pray with Power: How to Aid God in Perfect Asking

($97 Value)

Prayer is one of the most important daily practices you have to transform your life.

It is not a practice that takes much time, energy, or even deep solemn contemplation. Once you learn to combine your prayer practice with your IGS not only is it easy – it’s supercharged. This micro-training will give you the steps to aid God in perfect asking.

Make Plans with God: Staying Out of Your Own Way

($97 Value)

You do not need to help God make plans in your life (unless it opens you.) However, many people make the mistake of trying to force things down a certain path… when God already has an even better plan for you underway! With this training, you’ll learn how to make plans, when to act and when there is no need for you to do anything – a crucial lesson in your journey to ease and success in life.

Engaged Discernment: Access Your Untapped Wisdom

($97 Value)

Being discerning is not the same as being judgmental. There is a wisdom inside of you that is unlike anything you have ever experienced. Incredible fresh thinking happens when you begin to follow your IGS and see situations from a new, wiser viewpoint. This training will help you change how you engage with life from a beautiful, loving, and intelligent heart. Solutions will be different and harmony will become the natural FLOW in actions you take for yourself, others, and the world.

Internal Truth-telling: The Healing Power of Being Honest with Yourself

($97 Value)

How many things do you hide from yourself about your actions in the world? Do you ever defend your actions but really know that they are not the ones you should have taken? What about white lies or breaking your own agreements with yourself? In a powerful but gentle way, this micro-learning will clear up these areas that drain your energy and strip you of your internal dignity. You will not go into shame any longer and release it for deep healing.

Unleash Your Most Blessed Life

At A Fraction Of The Cost

Have you ever had a moment when you found a program that sounded amazing…

Until you heard the price? :(

That is not what is going to happen here. You’ll be able to afford to do this work.

I’ve made it my life mission to share the IGS with as many people as possible – the more of us who tune into our IGS, the better the world will be. I truly believe that.

That’s the reason why I’m not charging the true value of this program ($1,497)...

And it’s not coming close to the $1,997 many programs charge today…

Or the expensive $3,500 retreats that promise change, but their effects are gone once you fly back home.

Instead, you’ll receive this life-changing training at only


Register Today & Get Over $1,200 Off

For A Limited Time Only $297.

If you’re still thinking about joining, just ask yourself…

Are you happy with waking up with anxiety in the middle of the night? With living life for others? Will you be okay with letting your one and only life pass you by?

Nothing will change unless you take the first step.

After that, all you have to do is listen to your inner guidance and let the life of your dreams unfold right before your eyes.

Besides, you have absolutely nothing to lose (and so much to gain)…

If by the end of the program, you've participated fully and completed all coursework and you don't feel it was worth every penny, you can contact us for a full refund.*

A Life Of Miracles Is Just One Step Away…

If you’re ready to stop letting fear control your life, and you want to make miracles your ‘new normal’...

Then click the button below to complete your purchase on our secure checkout page. After the transaction is processed, you’ll receive an email from our team to grant you access to your program member’s area.

And by following the lessons, you’ll unlock synchronicities, blessings and Divine guidance in your life

This is what you’re getting today:

The “Inner Compass Masterclass”

Access To Private Members App

Exclusive Community Access

4 IGS Bonus Micro-Trainings

  • Pray with Power: How to Aid God in Perfect Asking
  • Make Plans with God: Staying Out of Your Own Way
  • Engage Discernment: Access Your Untapped Wisdom
  • Internal Truth-telling: The Healing Power of Being Honest with Yourself

TOTAL Value: ($3,513)

Your Investment:




One-Time Payment




2 Monthly Payments

Frequently Asked Questions

Does this work for everybody? What if I can’t feel my IGS?

Every single one of us is born with an IGS – and so are you!

It may take you some time to learn how to drop into your listening. That’s why this program starts with the basics – so go through the lessons and keep the momentum going. You do not need to feel your IGS consistently. With practice, you’ll be able to tune into it and deepen your ability to “get it” quickly and easily.

Is it really worth the investment?

This is a life-changing program that will allow you to turn your anxiety, worries, doubt, and overwhelm into ease and flow. You will see rapid change week by week and so will the people in your life, all the people in your life.

Imagine a reality where you don’t have to overthink every decision because you know exactly what to do and when to do it. You’re always guided to the best, most loving outcome for you.

You feel centered, calm, and knowing – which brings you confidence, happiness, and success.

How much would that be worth to you?

In the case of this program, I chose the investment amount so that as many people as possible could afford to live that reality.

Is the program long or time-consuming?

I know how busy life gets, and I designed this program with that in mind.

That’s why this is self-paced, so you can go at your own rhythm. You’re free to make your learning fit your schedule.

One of our students said it best:

“The fact that Zen’s programs are ‘at your own pace’ is huge. Things happen, and just because you fall behind, does not mean you get left behind. My life has definitely changed, for the better, since being in [the program].” Harry Damare

Is the IGS any sort of fortune-telling or divination method?

Not at all.

This has nothing to do with any type of divination methods or fortune-telling – instead, the IGS is your direct line to Divine guidance. Following its guidance will bring you closer to God and your purpose.




One-Time Payment




2 Monthly Payments

* Refund Policy: If by the end of the program, you've participated fully and completed all course work and you don't feel it was worth every penny, email us at support@smartsoul.com, and we will send you a full refund. Proof of program completion might be requested.